Educate-it supportsite: Digital assessment with Remindo

More information on assessment with Remindo


Excel sheets to import large groups of questions

The purpose of this function is to import large groups of questions from other formats or test systems into Remindo.

Below you will find Excel files that you can use to import large groups of multiple choice and open questions. Before filling in the file, please contact your key-user for an explanation of the purpose of the column names.

Filling and loading the Excel file takes time. Therefore, please contact your key-user more than a month before the desired completion of the import.

  • This function is not suitable for moving questions or an question bank from one faculty to another in the admin-environment.

  • Step 1

    After consultation with your key user, you can download the following documents, fill them in and send them to your key user with the request to have the questions read. This service is only intended for UU employees.

    We have created an example file with the Excel sheet for multiple choice questions. From this, the intended filling of the cells becomes clear. The sample file is not intended to be filled in and sent.

    We have created an example file with the Excel sheet for open questions. From this, the intended filling of the cells becomes clear. The sample file is not intended to be filled in and sent.

  • In the Excel sheet we provide a format for coding your question in the “Coding” column. This format has been developed to easily find the questions in the search function of the Remindo question bank.
